COMPLETE CASABLANCA. DURATION: Approximately 4 hours Ship to Ship Subject to your ship's schedule, the itinerary may change in order of visits shown, but all mentioned will be seen... ...
PHOTOGENIC CASABLANCA. DURATION: Approximately 5 hours Ship to Ship Subject to your ship's schedule and number of participants, the itinerary may change in order of visits shown, but all mentioned will be seen ... ...
CASABLANCA. AND MOROCCAN CUISINE CLASSES DURATION: Approximately 7 hours Ship to Ship MINIMUM GROUP SIZE 10. MAXIMUM GROUP SIZE: 60 participants Subject to your ship's schedule, the itinerary may change in order of visits sh...
CASABLANCA - RABAT - CASABLANCA 7 Hour Excursion Ship to Ship Subject to your ship's schedule and number of participants, the itinerary may change in order of visits shown, but all mentioned will be seen.....
AZEMMOUR AND EL JADIDA DURATION: Approximately 8 hours Ship to Ship The itinerary may be modified to exclude the visit of Azemmour in accordance with the sailing schedule and has a maximum walking time of around 2 hours... ...
FES - THE ATHENS OF AFRICA DURATION 13 - 14 HOURS SHIP TO SHIP This excursion requires a total walking time of about 3 hours......
THE MAGIC OF MARRAKECH 14 Hour Excursion Ship to Ship Marrakech, pronounced Marrakch...Marrakouch - the land of the sons of Kouch, black African warriors from Mauritania - was created by the Almoravid Saharan Sultan Abou Bekr way back in 1062......
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